Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chicken Salad

Today was another day of beautiful weather here in central Indiana!  Brisk Fall weather is right around the corner and it makes me think of nice warm comforting food like maple syrup.  Breakfast this morning was soo good-- oatmeal with walnuts, chopped dates, raisins and... what else, real maple syrup.
Even though I am eager for Fall, I'm holding on to this nice weather as long as I can.  Yesterday, I got more of a workout than I bargained for with the dog chase, plus I ran earlier in the day, so today I took it easy with a leisurely afternoon stroll. 
I couldn't bring myself to stay indoors much on a day like today, so I whipped up some quick, low-fat, chicken salad for lunch. 
This chicken salad is my favorite and it's a cinch to make.  All you do is mix light sour cream, with a little light Miracle Whip, celery seed, grapes, & cooked chicken.  I used leftover grilled chicken from the other night.

When it comes to measurements for this one, I just guesstimate.  Roughly twice the amount of sour cream to Miracle Whip, and a good sprinkling of celery seed depending on personal preference.

Next, mix the chicken in and add the grapes last so they don't get squished.  The grapes give it just the right amount of sweetly fresh zing.
My plate included a side of grilled pineapple (I can't seem to get enough of that) and some extra grapes.  The chicken salad is delicious all on it's own, but I like to eat it best as a sandwich.

Supper was tuna casserole.  My in-laws left today and I had planned to serve them the best home made tuna casserole ever, complete with cheesy noodles and buttery bread crumb topping.  (I mean who doesn't like a cheesy bubbly casserole plopped down in front of them.)  Also, Glenn had a really big announcement to make, but since they left early today, without joining us for supper, it's still a secret  and I can't tell ya'all what it is yet.  Just know this-- the suspense is killing me!
Ok, I love my tuna casserole dearly, which is saying something since I don't much care to eat fish of any sort.   The thing is, it was one of those suppers had I froze ahead of time and just needed to stick in the oven, so I didn't take any pics.  Also, I didn't eat any of it because I wanted to keep the carbs and calories on the low side for the day.  Instead, I made myself a strawberry/banana smoothie. 

Bananas are something I tend to buy at every trip to the grocery store.  Possibly having three little monkeys (kids) in the house might have something to do with that.  Regardless, I can never seem to get the right amount, so to compensate I get too many, and before you know it, they go bad.  Well, in the past, I would just whip up a batch of banana bread.  However, in these carb watching days, I know better than to tempt myself with fresh baked bread of any sort.  Nowadays, I slice those ripe bananas up and place them in baggies in the freezer. which happen to be just perfect in making rich, delicious smoothies.  Sliced frozen bananas, strawberries and a splash of unsweetened almond milk all whirled up is like drinking a strawberry shake without all the fat and calories.  Note:  If you are going to try this be sure to slice the bananas BEFORE freezing them.  You will be sorry if you don't. 

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