Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 11 & Conner Prairie

Day 11 is now history!  The best thing about running intervals is the progress seems to be faster.  I'm fascinated by how strong my sore ankle has become, in such a short time. 
The weather here these past few days has been wonderful.  Yesterday, we spent the day at Conner Prairie, but all I had time to write about was the balloon ride.  We got to watch fireworks from our front porch last night. 
The rest of the time at Conner Prairie was awesome too.

Purdue had displays set up throughout the Prairie with neat little critters for the kids to pet.

Oh you'ld never guess what Troy did today.  He moved his hair.  He came downstairs this morning and announced that his hair has been moved and sure enough it was no longer on his head.  He cut a big ole patch of those blond locks off!

Gladys still has all her hair-- for now.

This poor chicken was trying really hard to eat the millipeed.

Yup, that's Gladys trying to knock over a water bottle with a weird hat.

The hayride was nice and relaxing.

Since they wouldn't let Troy drive, (I know) he had the important job of making sure the wagon stayed hitched.  It did.  :)

We did a bunch of walking, even though so many of these pics don't show it.  Everything was spread out nicely.  There was a tram which we took a ride on later in the day.

I went inside the Indian Grounds and thought it would be cool to live in a wigwam with my bed right next to the fire.

The Conner House was nice too.  This was the view from the front room window: 

The river is beyond the prairie and through the woods.

I've always liked the canopy beds.  The rooms were charming and details like the string hung curtains inspire me to hold on to simple ways.

I found the gardens amusing too.  Little pillows of air, with three heart shaped seeds inside known as the Puff of Love, caught my eye.

Come this spring, I am building me some steep pitched A-frames for my next garden. 

They had beans on the trellis too, but they were mostly spent.  
The fragrant herbs and flowers were everywhere.

Gladys and Troy tried their hand at candle making.  Gladys did real good.  Troy had a new technique to candle making.  He just plopped his entire stick, wick and all, in the melted wax and asked the guide to let him know when it was done cooking. 


This sign cracked me up (poor kid):




For a beautiful Saturday, it was not crowded.  We had the entire Tram to ourselves.

By the time we done seen it all, the kids were good and wore out.

As well as Glenn.

The End.

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