Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 6


Success!  I did not feel like running this morning at all.  However, once I was out the door, the running wasn't so bad.  When I'm out there walking and running by myself I get time to think which is rather nice.  I get to think at home too, but it's not the same when you are surrounded by things like the phone, TV, computer (no offense), crafts and books; not to mention, household chores like dishes and the never ending pile of laundry. 

As I stretched on the front porch this morning watching the sun rise, it was extremely foggy.  By the time I played a couple rounds of chase with Sophie and grabbed my camera the fog was gone.

Eeeeek, I found this snake at the end of my sidewalk!  I think it's just a little hissy baby.  All the while I was out there thinking if mama snake was gonna give an appearance.

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