Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 4

Thank goodness the 5k training keeps getting better and better.  The ankle pain is setting in later and later each time.  Also, it does not seem to be as bad.  Why is it whenever it's time for a running segment a car comes along.  I know it makes me look like I'm just showing off when they drive by and I start running-- must be some kind of Murphy's Running Law. 

Oh, the rain arrived today, still there has not been enough to chase the worms out of the ground yet.

Melon, specifically cantaloupe, or as my Grama used to call it, musk melon, is good and ripe in the garden.  I kept waiting to pick them because they are tiny compared to what I'm used to.  These are approximately the size of a softball.  The good news is they are just as sweet and cute as can be!  My Gram would also sometimes salt her melon to help bring out the flavor.  This baby melon needed no salt. 

Paired with a big ole glass of fresh green tomato/apple juice, it was most refreshing for a hot and humid after workout snack.  I juice 2 large green tomatoes and 1 apple. The apple is because I like a little sweet to the tomato tang. The juice, to me is rather rich, so I also thin it a bit with ice water.   If you've never tried green tomato juice before then let me tell you, my friends, they are not only good and tangy, but they are chuck full of vitamin C and A. Plus, tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful natural antioxidant to fight free radicals in our body. Bonus points for green tomatoes though, because they include more vitamin C and three times the amount of calcium as the red tomatoes.  In short, do NOT be afraid to juice the green tomatoes. 

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