Saturday, September 15, 2012

Helium Balloon Voyage

Oh my goodness, I took so many pictures today!  Glenn, Gladys, Troy and I spent the day at Conner Prairie.  The kids and I were very excited about the helium balloon they have.  It's very similar in size to a hot are balloon only no fire is needed, just good ole He2.  The best part is they let you ride in it!  Granted the balloon stays tethered to the ground for the entire trip, but still, it's a good and exciting voyage. 

Now before we got in the actual balloon basket, the kids gave it a practice run in a fake one.  Gladys donned the latest 1859 fashion before boarding. 


The kids were famished after their practice mission and we all shared a very sweet apple dumpling.  Since I'm not used to having much sugar lately, it was just too sweet to eat; one nibble and I was good.

We could not have asked for better weather, it was a gorgeous day out. The sun was bright, temps were in the 70's and the helium balloon did not have much wind resistance. Great day for a ride!

Upon entering the basket, I'm thinking, "this is going to be a nice, relaxing, smooth ride" until I notice all the safety nets and and hear our pilot instruct us to hold for dear life. 

I guess he was trying to be funny.  Although take off was rather bumpy as the cables tighten and the basket shifts and twists.

Once 20 feet or so off the ground, the ride smooths out considerably.

The view was spectacular!   I felt scared at about 200 feet up, and I'm not typically afraid of heights.  It was the sensation of being carried away by the balloon that scared me.  It was like nothing I have ever experienced before.
Glenn thought it was hilarious and took my scaredy cat pic:
350 feet in the sky felt wonderful.  Have you ever seen the movie Up?  It crossed my mind while in the air.  We stayed up there for 5 minutes walking around taking pictures. 
I soon got comfortable with the higher altitude.

 Everyone was fascinated by the views.  We could see Indy in the distance.

Troy requested I take this pic because their is a tractor and hay wagon traveling in the middle of the two fields.  Troy waved.  :)

Our pilot showed Troy how to bring'er down.

He was a tad concerned that crashing was inevitable.

Luckily, our pilot and Troy brought us safely back to land. 

Here's what the helium balloon looks like going up over the Conner house:

And afterward, when asked if they had a good time:

That says it all!

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