Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hi There!

I'm beginning to feel better, but still not up to fishing yet.  I did go to the park the other day, just to get out of the house for a bit.  I ran into Justin.  He was taking the day off from high school to mourn the death of his Grandpa.  I watched as he reeled in a nice large mouth bass.  He later told me he felt like his Grandpa, in heaven, had a hand in catching that fish.  Also, it's his personal best so far! 

 Gladys reeled in this critter from below the dam:

Oh, the Easter Bunny finally made his way to our house.  He hid the two dozen eggs the kiddies colored, along with baskets of goodies for each kiddie and some plastic eggs filled with coins.

Troy bought the Hobbit Lego Set with his birthday money.  Notice-- it's for ages 8-14.  He's eight now, so he can handle this advanced Lego work!   


I've not felt like cooking for quite some time now, due to this illness, but Gladdie has.  She made egg salad and deviled eggs out of the Easter eggs; ALL BY HERSELF!  She dyed the yolk's green, for a festive touch. I don't think she knows it, but when I was her age everything I cooked was green.  It was one of those weird phases kids go through.

Often the kiddies will go out to the trampoline, or jumpoline, as it's called here, and rehearse a show or dance act.  Then, when they have it down, they run inside to gather an audience, which usually consists of Sophie, Dustball and I.  Their latest performance was a song and dance act.  The kiddies are actually quite entertaining.

Hopefully, I'll be feeling well enough to join them on the jumpoline soon.  Ya'all take care.  :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's Wrong with Me

Much of my time lately is spent sleeping.  The pain meds pretty much knock me out cold.  When I'm not asleep, I try to do what I can to take my mind off my ailments.  Mostly, as the x-ray indicates, I think about fishing.  It's not even about the fish exactly, but more about the good times I want to experience with my kids and those I love.

At least being sick gives a girl the chance to put her thoughts in order and reflect on life.  Even when I'm home cleaning up the trails of messes my family leaves, and doing extra nice things for them.  I'm usually able to do so with a good attitude.  It's because I take plenty of me-time and go fishing.  Cause let me tell ya-- When MOMMA ain't Happy-- Ain't NO ONE Happy!


Over these past few years, I've noticed being in pain really puts my self soothing skills to the test.  For some folk's, it's a long soak in the bath tub and a glass of wine.  For me, when I'm in pain, I really prefer to hide away in my bedroom under the covers of my nice warm bed and sleep it off.  If that's not happening, than I'm usually curled up in my Lazy Boy with a heating pad, blanket, pillows, Sophie, Dustball, and a big glass of 7-up.

However, there is nothing quite as nourishing for the soul as fishing.  This week, I had planned to take a trip to the Warsaw area to muskie fish with friends.  These pics were from a trip a few years ago.  I was after muskie and kept catching bass-- at first.   

That small muskie was the first time I had ever had my fingers in the gills of a fish.  I released her unharmed.

Suffering from fishing on the brain is bad enough, but not being able to do much about it because of a kidney problem really bites.  I guess a girl should count her blessings and be thankful for what she has; that it's just a temporary problem.  Look out fish, I'll be better soon enough, and getting your pics taken!  :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kidney Trouble

The other day I was dreaming about the expected fun for this past weekend.  With Easter, Troy's Birthday, and a fabulous forecast on the horizon, I was very much looking forward to some good times.  Instead, I spent Easter in the hospital.  

Jean and the kiddies colored eggs, but the Easter bunny still hasn't made it to our house yet.

The kids are probably thinking-- this is the hardest egg hiding that bunny has ever done! JK :) In reality, the eggs are still all in the cartons in the fridge, and the kiddies know this.

When I get to feeling better, I'll see if the bunny has a chance to stop by. 

At least Glenn took me these pics of the kiddo's coloring eggs.  Speaking of Glenn, he had Lasik eye surgery today on his other eye.

I'm thinking my family alone could start a hospital.  Mom just had knee surgery.  My sister is going in for surgery too.  We could all share a room and just make it one big morphine dripping/ hospital gown party!  :)

Troy's birthday was on Easter day this year.  I missed celebrating with him, so his big party is being put on hold until I'm feeling better too.

Glenn made his day special with a cookie cake from the Marsh bakery and candles.

As for me, I hope to be well soon.  I hope it leaves as quickly as it arrived.  I was perfectly fine one day, then had a slight back ache the next day, and went to the Emergency Room with severe back pain the following day. 

The doctors told me I have a cyst and a kidney problem.  They are doing the best they can to fix me up.  I hope to be good as new soon.  :)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fixed My Truck

I am one happy girl now!  The other day, my truck, (the Trailblazer), wouldn't start.  I had a feeling the alternator was going bad, because the battery gauge was reading lower than usual.  I scheduled to have the inmates from the prison work on it, but they couldn't get it in soon.  So, I had help from Glenn and we replaced it.  Taking off the belt and the bolts, really wasn't that hard.

Reaching the bolts with the wrench was tricky at times, but a vacuum tube made a nice extension. Those extra parts to the vacuum sweeper are good for something after all.  :)

The new (re manufactured) alternator from Autozone was much easier to install than it was to take the old one out.

The last bolt to remove was on the bottom and a real pain in the keaster; just so much stuff in the way.

I was happy that putting the new alternator on was easier.  The hardest part on that was making sure the belt was in the correct position.  And there wasn't any leftover parts or bolts when it was all put back together.  :)

After a boost with the jumper cables, it started right up--- YAY!  Here's the tube that fit right over the wrench handle and I used for an extension:  

It made working in tight places easier, and I didn't even ruin my manicure.  :)  VaaRoooom!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Egg Hunting Practice for Pendleton

 Happy Spring! 

It's fairly nice weather here today, (62 degrees F).  I was enlightened to an exciting fishing set-up, from something I read on the My Fish Finder Forum.

Basically, it involved a marriage between my 10 foot fly rod, and my tiny ice reel.  The two combined made this:

A very nice angler from the site sent me some knots to try out in this set-up:

 Here's the slider knot and slip bobber I used:

The hardest part of this set-up is trying to figure out what jig to use.

 Eeeney Mieeny Miney Moe....

 I picked these two, but then thought I should have something heavier so it will be easier to cast.

This is the double jig set-up I wound up with:

No crappie, but I did get this nice small mouth bass:

While fishing, I somehow dropped my keys (truck and house key).  I had feared that when I released the bass, that my keys went with it. 

I walked back to the truck only to find that I was indeed locked out.  Lucky for me, the Sheriff and Major happened to be at the park, so they congratulated me on the fish, and helped me look for my keys.  

We didn't find them, and they called the Pendleton city police to come out and open my truck, thinking that I had probably accidentally locked them inside.  A crown gathered, since now there were several uniformed officers surrounding my truck. (Pendleton don't usually have this much excitement.)

They had trouble breaking in, and the alarm didn't sound until the lock was popped.   My keys were not in the truck!!!  At this point, I think the entire town of Pendleton was searching the park trying to help find my keys. 

Thank You for trying, town of Pendleton!  Even though it was good Easter Egg hunting practice, we all gave up and I called the hubby to bring me the spare set.

He came to my rescue.  While he was there, Gladdie, Glenn and I retraced my steps.  No Luck.

Suddenly, right after we gave up, Gladdie FOUND MY KEYS on the ground, in the grass!


I was sooo happy!  Also, a bit flustered by so many people searching and no one finding them until we had all stopped looking for a second time-- incredible the way that works!

In other news, Troy and Gladdie had there Spring concert.  They did fabulous.  I wish I could say the same for the way the pics turned out.  I only have this one of Troy-- he's on the first step in the dark blue shirt:

Don't loose your keys!  :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fishing Lake Delaware

Guess who lives here:

These little critter houses were all over the place at Geist park the other day.  They are crayfish homes.  I'm glad they are not snake houses!

Over the weekend, I went hiking at the quarry and found a body in the woods!  An actual human man was laying face up and I thought he was dead.  Sophie ran over to greet him and he jumped to his feet as fast as could be!  He was taking a nap and thought some wild animal was attacking him!  That'll teach him to nap in the woods! :)

The kiddo's were with me too.  Gladdie had her friend, Bella, over for a sleepover.  Lovely pic of that motley crew.

I HAVE TO put Sophie in a pfd because she is one fish crazy dog!  When I was at Geist Park she spotted a small sunfish and went in after it.  Even though she knows how to swim, I don't think it would take long for her to get wore out with that long hair and such cold water.

We didn't see any fish at the quarry yet.  However, I went to Lake Delaware over the weekend and caught my first crappie of the season! 

I hadn't really planned on fishing, since the reason I was there was for an event for Sophie.  The Indy Dog Scouts were having a hike and a dog Easter Egg Hunt, which the kids were all excited to take her to.

Lucky for me, I had my fly rod in the truck, so after the dog event I got to do some fishing.

I caught it on a black and white streamer in fairly shallow and slightly stained water.  I didn't get to fish for very long, but I plan on heading back there soon for some trout.