Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fishing Lake Delaware

Guess who lives here:

These little critter houses were all over the place at Geist park the other day.  They are crayfish homes.  I'm glad they are not snake houses!

Over the weekend, I went hiking at the quarry and found a body in the woods!  An actual human man was laying face up and I thought he was dead.  Sophie ran over to greet him and he jumped to his feet as fast as could be!  He was taking a nap and thought some wild animal was attacking him!  That'll teach him to nap in the woods! :)

The kiddo's were with me too.  Gladdie had her friend, Bella, over for a sleepover.  Lovely pic of that motley crew.

I HAVE TO put Sophie in a pfd because she is one fish crazy dog!  When I was at Geist Park she spotted a small sunfish and went in after it.  Even though she knows how to swim, I don't think it would take long for her to get wore out with that long hair and such cold water.

We didn't see any fish at the quarry yet.  However, I went to Lake Delaware over the weekend and caught my first crappie of the season! 

I hadn't really planned on fishing, since the reason I was there was for an event for Sophie.  The Indy Dog Scouts were having a hike and a dog Easter Egg Hunt, which the kids were all excited to take her to.

Lucky for me, I had my fly rod in the truck, so after the dog event I got to do some fishing.

I caught it on a black and white streamer in fairly shallow and slightly stained water.  I didn't get to fish for very long, but I plan on heading back there soon for some trout.

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