Friday, April 18, 2014

Fixed My Truck

I am one happy girl now!  The other day, my truck, (the Trailblazer), wouldn't start.  I had a feeling the alternator was going bad, because the battery gauge was reading lower than usual.  I scheduled to have the inmates from the prison work on it, but they couldn't get it in soon.  So, I had help from Glenn and we replaced it.  Taking off the belt and the bolts, really wasn't that hard.

Reaching the bolts with the wrench was tricky at times, but a vacuum tube made a nice extension. Those extra parts to the vacuum sweeper are good for something after all.  :)

The new (re manufactured) alternator from Autozone was much easier to install than it was to take the old one out.

The last bolt to remove was on the bottom and a real pain in the keaster; just so much stuff in the way.

I was happy that putting the new alternator on was easier.  The hardest part on that was making sure the belt was in the correct position.  And there wasn't any leftover parts or bolts when it was all put back together.  :)

After a boost with the jumper cables, it started right up--- YAY!  Here's the tube that fit right over the wrench handle and I used for an extension:  

It made working in tight places easier, and I didn't even ruin my manicure.  :)  VaaRoooom!

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