Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flowers and Strawberries

Hi There!

I fished a pond in Pendleton the other day and this guy kept me company:

I've been seeing lots of sunbathing turtles lately.

Also, I spotted this, in my very own yard:

I think Spring has truly Sprung in these parts!  I know my house is beginning to look Easter-ish.

Troy has made progress on his tractor:

I've had flower fever and picked me up a variety of tulips.  To help to green things up around here, I planted them in canning jars.  First, I added rocks because it's not good to immerse the bulbs in water.

Here's what the tulips look like right now:

 Also, my Easter Lilly has bloomed.  The fragrance of real flowers is something I can't seem to get enough of lately.

Seeings as how I was playing in the dirt, I decided to re-pot some of my other plants.  Isn't this baby ghost cactus a cutie?

If I had more sunny spots inside my house, I would have many more plants.  Mostly, I just grow herbs and aloe.  I used to have spider plants at my old house.

Well, it's been a hot minute since I've posted food on here lately.  No reason, except I will say I tend to do more baking in bad weather.  When it's nice outside, I just toss a few packages of hotdogs in the direction of my family and that's it.  :)
I've been in a strawberry mood lately too.  And it rained the other day, so I baked up these babies:

They are just vanilla cuppy cakes with cream cheese frosting topped with fresh strawberries.  I did something I very seldom do, and used a box mix. 

Ofcourse, I substituted the oil for applesauce.  They were delicious!

Also, I made a batch of strawberry lemonade.  Yumm!

Strawberry's and Flowers, Yay.

Have a berry delicious day!   Sluurrrrp!  :)

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