Friday, April 25, 2014

What's Wrong with Me

Much of my time lately is spent sleeping.  The pain meds pretty much knock me out cold.  When I'm not asleep, I try to do what I can to take my mind off my ailments.  Mostly, as the x-ray indicates, I think about fishing.  It's not even about the fish exactly, but more about the good times I want to experience with my kids and those I love.

At least being sick gives a girl the chance to put her thoughts in order and reflect on life.  Even when I'm home cleaning up the trails of messes my family leaves, and doing extra nice things for them.  I'm usually able to do so with a good attitude.  It's because I take plenty of me-time and go fishing.  Cause let me tell ya-- When MOMMA ain't Happy-- Ain't NO ONE Happy!


Over these past few years, I've noticed being in pain really puts my self soothing skills to the test.  For some folk's, it's a long soak in the bath tub and a glass of wine.  For me, when I'm in pain, I really prefer to hide away in my bedroom under the covers of my nice warm bed and sleep it off.  If that's not happening, than I'm usually curled up in my Lazy Boy with a heating pad, blanket, pillows, Sophie, Dustball, and a big glass of 7-up.

However, there is nothing quite as nourishing for the soul as fishing.  This week, I had planned to take a trip to the Warsaw area to muskie fish with friends.  These pics were from a trip a few years ago.  I was after muskie and kept catching bass-- at first.   

That small muskie was the first time I had ever had my fingers in the gills of a fish.  I released her unharmed.

Suffering from fishing on the brain is bad enough, but not being able to do much about it because of a kidney problem really bites.  I guess a girl should count her blessings and be thankful for what she has; that it's just a temporary problem.  Look out fish, I'll be better soon enough, and getting your pics taken!  :)


  1. I hope get well soon!!!!!

  2. Bless your heart, Honey! No wonder I've not seen you at the Y lately. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. OH -Nice Fishes. That Bass is bigger than any I've ever caught.

    Gary K.
