Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kidney Trouble

The other day I was dreaming about the expected fun for this past weekend.  With Easter, Troy's Birthday, and a fabulous forecast on the horizon, I was very much looking forward to some good times.  Instead, I spent Easter in the hospital.  

Jean and the kiddies colored eggs, but the Easter bunny still hasn't made it to our house yet.

The kids are probably thinking-- this is the hardest egg hiding that bunny has ever done! JK :) In reality, the eggs are still all in the cartons in the fridge, and the kiddies know this.

When I get to feeling better, I'll see if the bunny has a chance to stop by. 

At least Glenn took me these pics of the kiddo's coloring eggs.  Speaking of Glenn, he had Lasik eye surgery today on his other eye.

I'm thinking my family alone could start a hospital.  Mom just had knee surgery.  My sister is going in for surgery too.  We could all share a room and just make it one big morphine dripping/ hospital gown party!  :)

Troy's birthday was on Easter day this year.  I missed celebrating with him, so his big party is being put on hold until I'm feeling better too.

Glenn made his day special with a cookie cake from the Marsh bakery and candles.

As for me, I hope to be well soon.  I hope it leaves as quickly as it arrived.  I was perfectly fine one day, then had a slight back ache the next day, and went to the Emergency Room with severe back pain the following day. 

The doctors told me I have a cyst and a kidney problem.  They are doing the best they can to fix me up.  I hope to be good as new soon.  :)

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