Tuesday, April 8, 2014


What a Weekend!  Sunday was perfect for a road trip to Brookville, Indiana.

The part of the drive that I like best is when I reach the canal in Metamora.  It means I'm almost there, and it's just pretty.  I like how the canal runs parallel with the railroad tracks; it's all so nostalgic.  

When I arrived at the Brookville Lake Dam, no one was there.  The fish and I had the entire place to ourselves!

That can be both good and bad.  Peaceful? Yes, but it also indicates fishing might not be so good right now.

This time of year, early spring, one has to expect the water level to be on the high side.  Indeed it was, the flow from the dam was really moving.

As I went to leave and head for the a section farther downstream, a truck I recognized pulled up.  In it were my neighbors from Pendleton!  How about that? 

We gabbed for a bit, then I went to check out the park.  The Brookville park is very nice; so well maintained.

I took a walk along the stream and searched for any glimpse of fish.  The water was surprisingly, crystal clear.  I didn't see any signs of fish, but I couldn't help myself and casted a Parachute Adams with a Partridge of Orange chaser in a few promising looking areas.

I got skunked.  I would have stayed and fished longer, but I had a class about catfishing (of all things), to attend at the Brookville Lake.

The lake was a muddy mess.

After the class ended, I gave what I learned a try and fished off this pier:

After a bit I decided I needed to try a more eventful location.  The first inlet closest to the dam looked promising, on the map anyways.

I tried every new technique I learned, and still I got skunked.

I concluded that catfishing is very much like an Indian Rain Dance, in that sooner or later I'd get results.  Unfortunately for me, my patience ran out, and I went back over to the Brookville Park.

I was hoping to spot a few trout before I went back to Pendleton; I didn't.

I really like how they keep the park well groomed.  This is a cool awning to a picnic table:

One the drive home, I pulled over to get a better look at the canal in Metamora.  I thought it was neat how the muddy water abruptly ends at this intersection:

It's just a lovely place.

The first wild flowers of the year:

In youngest kiddo news, Troy is restoring a John Deer.

I like how he takes his art so seriously.

He also has the bracelet making bug (caught it from Gladdie).

This is his latest creation:


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