Thursday, April 17, 2014

Egg Hunting Practice for Pendleton

 Happy Spring! 

It's fairly nice weather here today, (62 degrees F).  I was enlightened to an exciting fishing set-up, from something I read on the My Fish Finder Forum.

Basically, it involved a marriage between my 10 foot fly rod, and my tiny ice reel.  The two combined made this:

A very nice angler from the site sent me some knots to try out in this set-up:

 Here's the slider knot and slip bobber I used:

The hardest part of this set-up is trying to figure out what jig to use.

 Eeeney Mieeny Miney Moe....

 I picked these two, but then thought I should have something heavier so it will be easier to cast.

This is the double jig set-up I wound up with:

No crappie, but I did get this nice small mouth bass:

While fishing, I somehow dropped my keys (truck and house key).  I had feared that when I released the bass, that my keys went with it. 

I walked back to the truck only to find that I was indeed locked out.  Lucky for me, the Sheriff and Major happened to be at the park, so they congratulated me on the fish, and helped me look for my keys.  

We didn't find them, and they called the Pendleton city police to come out and open my truck, thinking that I had probably accidentally locked them inside.  A crown gathered, since now there were several uniformed officers surrounding my truck. (Pendleton don't usually have this much excitement.)

They had trouble breaking in, and the alarm didn't sound until the lock was popped.   My keys were not in the truck!!!  At this point, I think the entire town of Pendleton was searching the park trying to help find my keys. 

Thank You for trying, town of Pendleton!  Even though it was good Easter Egg hunting practice, we all gave up and I called the hubby to bring me the spare set.

He came to my rescue.  While he was there, Gladdie, Glenn and I retraced my steps.  No Luck.

Suddenly, right after we gave up, Gladdie FOUND MY KEYS on the ground, in the grass!


I was sooo happy!  Also, a bit flustered by so many people searching and no one finding them until we had all stopped looking for a second time-- incredible the way that works!

In other news, Troy and Gladdie had there Spring concert.  They did fabulous.  I wish I could say the same for the way the pics turned out.  I only have this one of Troy-- he's on the first step in the dark blue shirt:

Don't loose your keys!  :)

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