Sunday, December 2, 2012

A December Swim in Fall's Creek

Hello! We are had a very Christmasy weekend!
Us girls did some present wrapping with the ladies at the local library.

Then SANTA appeared for a visit! 


Santa brought jingle bells with him natch, and he let Troy jingle them.  Troy shook those bells and put on a dance for the crowd!

After the dance Troy was good and warmed up-- ready to sit on Santa's lap!  Those two chatted for a bit, and Troy let Santa check out his walkie talkie.  Then Santa read the group a story.

During the story, the kids were called up one by one to enhance it with balloon characters.  Gladys was a snowman.  Troy decided to chill and watch the show; he opted out of this act as he already had his moment of fame.

The story was The Night Before Christmas and here are the enhancers:

That reindeer with those eyes just cracks me up.  As does the Santa legs sticking out of the chimney.
Jean was in a photo snapping mood, and took this shot of me looking after Gladdie's snowman.

We also went to the park.  The ducks and geese greeted us as usual.

The weather was mild for December. 

I collected feathers for the fly tying. 

Mostly, we just relaxed and watched the kids play.

That is until Glenn decided to toss crippled me off a cliff and into the water.  I wasn't going in without him though.  Lucky me, I had photo bug, Jean, to capture the escapade.  On second thought, it was a bit to cold for a swim.  :)

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