Saturday, December 29, 2012

Baked Spaghetti

When I think of comfort food, I think of Baked Spaghetti.  Not just any ole baked spaghetti either, but the kind Mom used to make me as a kid.  This is the BEST dish on earth!  It's cheesey, (of course), includes bacon (what BEST supper wouldn't), and is SWEET, (literally).
I know sweetness and spaghetti at first thought might not blend well, but trust me, in this dish it's so wonderful.  The contrast between the salty bacon, tangy gooey cheese, and sweet sugar topping is the ULTIMATE indulgent supper.  For this reason, I tend to only make this supper on special occasions.
Start off by cooking the bacon till crisp.  Then crumble most of it into a glass casserole dish. 

Next, pour a can of tomato juice over the bacon.

Add a cut up green pepper.  I cut mine in big chunks to make it easier for the hubby to pick out.

Add the cooked spaghetti noodles and Colby cheese to the dish.  Mix everything together really well and all those flavors marry into something wonderful.  Right before it's ready to go into the oven, top with a bit more cheese (I topped it off with Colby Jack), and bacon. 

Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees and it will come out looking something like this:

Now, after scooping some onto your plate, sprinkle on a teaspoon or so of sugar while it's nice and hot.  Trust me, this is the way to eat this Baked Spaghetti.  It is the BEST!
In other news, Santa came by the house and left gifts under the tree for all three kids!  Yes, folk's I am proud to say it was another year of the kids on the Nice List!

Later Christmas Day, the older kids came over with the in laws.

We had a house full of fun!  We played karaoke-- singing and dancing.
Dressed up the pets and took their pics.  Natch.  :)
Oh, the spotted dalmatian mix is Freckles, she is a very old gal now, and she lives with Gracie.

Dustball and Sophie just love the matching sweaters I made for them.

Here's a better look:

Hub aka Glenn Jr., invited his delightful girlfriend, Cindy to join us for Christmas Dinner. 
The day went by very quickly, with the living room once again a sea of gifts, kids, and wrapping paper.  :)

Glenn kept them all in line with his new Star Wars Light Saber.

Grace is such a happy girl, and she announced that she published her poems!

This is clearly how Christmas went by in a flash and looked for me:

Seriously though, it did get cut short a bit due to Mother Nature.  A blizzard was predicted to hit and the warnings were to stay off the roads.  So, everyone went back home in time to miss the worst of it.
Troy was psyched for sledding:

Once the blizzard hit, we went out in it to see how bad things were.

It seemed like a rather normal snow storm. 

We checked on all the plowers.

Then we made it home safely.

And went sledding.  :)

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