Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

I hope ya'all enjoyed my guest blogger, Troy, yesterday. 
I hate to blog this, but I feel I must.  The other day, I went to physical therapy as usual and before I left the house, I felt good.  I felt like my foot was noticeably better.  My therapist has been using the Graston technique on me.  During the last treatment I had, the pain was very severe and it resulted in an 80% tear of my plantar fascia.  The doc tells me steroids (to keep the swelling down) are to blame; they have a tendency to weaken the ligaments.  It's discouraging, to be trying to heal and have set backs such as this.  I'm hanging in. 

Thank goodness for friends!  Charlene treated me to lunch the other day (before the setback).  We ate at the Hacienda here in Pendleton and it was fantastic.  Charlene had the fajita salad and I had the classic fajitas which included chicken, steak, and a ton of grilled veggies cooked to perfection.  Yummy!

Afterwards we went shopping at the thrift store.

I found a couple treasures to enhance my kitchen with.  The kitchen has practically no counter space, so both of these beauties would be nice additions.  Also, I love the apple green color, in the photo above and the counter pulls out-- how cool is that?

Drop leaf tables, are another piece of furniture I find charming. 
Well, in other news, I fixed my oatmeal this morning and it was so healthful and good that I decided to bequeath it blog worthy. 

First, start out with either steel cut oats or old-fashioned rolled outs.  Those are my two personal favorite types of oatmeal, because I like how they are heartier and chewier than instant.  Not to mention better for you.  Plus, when you get right down to it, the extra couple minutes it takes to cook, at least for me, is spent preparing the stir-ins and tidying up anyways.  So, it's not like I'm just burning my eyeballs out watching oats cook. 

While the oats are cooking per package directions, I stir in a tsp. of pumpkin pie spice and a serving of walnuts.  Inhale deeply-- ahh pumpkin pie.  :)   I like the somewhat softer texture of cooked walnuts.  Next, for one serving of cooked oats, I add almost 1/4 of a cup of pumpkin.  I like to stir this in afterward to help it cool faster.  Top with milk and honey as desired.

One of my favorite movies is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  I like the animated version the best, but the movie is good too.  After watching it, I was inspired to crochet this Christmas stocking:

Jean has done claimed it.  Santa may think it's a nice fly rod size.  ;)

I had an awesome day today except for having a pain in the foot/leg.  Glenn is taking some time off work until next year to finish out the remainder of the holiday season.  (Oh help me!)  Just kidding-- sorta.  He was a sweetie today and helped me do some shopping and make Apple Turkey Burgers.  The good thing about being in pain is it makes me try to eat foods that heal, more so now than ever before.

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