Sunday, December 23, 2012

December 23, 2012

Good Evening!  It's the dayyy before the nniight before Christmasss, and I'm busy, busy, busy, being goood!  Am I the only one that knows that song?
I'm proud to announce, Glenn had his best game of bowling EVER yesterday evening!  All strikes until the 7th frame, then innocently, I flustered him a bit by pointing it out.  His final score was a grand 252.
A few of our friends got to witness the event.  My buddy Schep was one of said witnesses, he is replacing me as Glenn's bowling partner.  He bowled a really good game last night too and has a bunch of potential.

Other said witnesses included Lisa and her hubby, Denver, (he's camera shy).  They are part of our team as well. 

While those four bowled, Amy and I cheered them on and gabbed-- mostly gabbed.  :) 
Doesn't the place look cool with the black light?
Earlier that day, Glenn, the kids and I went to pick the boat up from Tator's.  He had it all wrapped up.  It's official now, no more boating with it till spring.
The kids are excited as can be about Christmas.  Tomorrow, we will exchange some gifts, make  Santa some cookies, have family movie night watching some classic cartoons, and be joyous in preparation of Jesus's wonderful birthday celebration.

Hope Everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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