Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Troy's Blog

Troy is here!  I'm Troyboy and I am six years old.  I'm doing Mom's blog!

Mom and I went to the Lego store at the mall.  She liked the Christmas village.

I liked the Lego displays.

 My friend has Lego's and so do I.  We are going to make Lego stuff.

I tried to take this dude's pic and Mom walked in the way.

It's a Christmas place; I took the pic.

The mall had weird food.  It was good.

We went to a pretty place and I saw her sitting on the table.  I wasn't allowed to sit by her.


Mom liked this dress. 

She got my sister's something to keep them warm.

The lights in this store are very pretty.

So are the dresses.  Mom got this dress.

Baby yeah, Baby yeah, Babe-- this is Troy!

The lights are awesome at the mall!

This door is the EXIT, but the whole time we were there the mall never even caught on fire.  We had to go out the far doors instead.  I never got to use the extinguisher to put out any fires.

Putting out fires is how I like to keep fit.  :)

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