Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quarry Fishing

Yesterday I seen the doctor and now I am considering changing the title of this blog to Pendleton Gal gets Fustrated! The doc tells me my foot might just need time to heal.  Apparently these past couple months of babying my foot have not been long enough.  Surgery was also mentioned.  Auggh.  It's too bad the superglue/felt pad treatment didn't work.  I'm hoping by New Years I will be well on the road to recovery.
The above advent calender belongs to Gladys.  Her and Troy each have one.  Behind each window is a little chocolate.  The kids think it's quite the delight.  While I do LOVE chocolate, I am very picky about it.  Good quaility dark chocolate is my favorite cause a little bit goes a long ways. 
The fly tying plan did actually help me refrain from eating cookies.  Another thing that helps is going to the YMCA.
This familiar sight is the weight room at the Y:

Mostly, I have been using the free weights and working on my upper body strength.  However, because I have plans to run again (crossing fingers) soon.  I've been doing some leg strength exercises as well, such as leg extensions.  Usually, I do 3 sets of 12 every other day, increasing the weight a little each week.

Hopefully by Christmas I will have some noticable results to show.  Speaking of Christmas, the kiddies are so ready for it!  They done have their stockings hung. 
Yes!  The high yesterday was really 68 degree here in central Indiana.  Yup, this is just a continuation of the same post and it's the month of December. 

 I'd say that's a heck of a nice December day!

Troy's favorite casting spot is the treeless island. 
 Our hero, retrieving the tangled line, hook, bobber and sinker, from a tree branch, demonstrates why Troy prefers to cast off the island.  ;)

Gladys was feeding some hungry fish.
Who woulda thought December would have a t-shirt wearing, bluegill catching day like this right here in Indiana! 

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