Monday, December 17, 2012

Peanut Butter Blossoms

Hi, remember me?!   :)

We've been keeping busy here, dressing up Dustball again. 

As you can tell, he loves it.  See the jollyness in his eyes?

This past weekend, Troy and I had some quality time together, as the rest of the household members went up north for a visit.  Our local American Legion hosted a Christmas event/craft show and we stopped in to give patronage. 

Troy bumped into Santa as we were leaving.  Santa headed out the door to see us off, aka direct some traffic.  He walked up to Santa in the parking lot and asked to check out his sleigh.  Santa told him he parked it down the street a ways.  Then waved to us as we drove off.  Surely enough, out in the front yard of a residents was Santa's sleigh!  :) 

We made Christmas cookies this weekend.  Troy tells me he knows these are Christmas cookies because we had the Christmas music playing as we baked them.  His job was to unwrap all the Hershey Kisses, which him and I both have a natural affinity for.

My job, among many others, was to make the cookie dough, and roll them in sugar.  I knew better than to get to close to unwrapped Hershey Kisses.  :)

However, I did have to sample one cookie fresh from the oven, with a melty chocolate kiss in the center.  Mmmmmmmm, that's the best time to bite into one of these babies.  (FYI--the Peanut Butter Blossom recipe I used is printed on the bag of Hershey Kisses).

We made up for any extra calories by shopping our booties off at the mall the next day.  I shall let my guest blogger tell all about that tomorrow though. 


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