Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tactical uses for a Flashlight

The other night Gladys and Troy preformed in a school Christmas concert.

These first three pics are of Troy with some of the other first graders.  Aint they cute?

Gladys was very much into preforming.

Gladdie's class did a cute act involving flashlights.

The extremely bright led flashlight I loaned her was givin to me by a dear friend a few years ago on a camping trip. I've carried it with me ever since. Flashlights are, in my opinion, one of the handiest tools to carry, second only perhaps to the good ole pocket knife.

Well, without farther ado, here are some tactical uses for a flashlight:
(The following six pics are from Yahoo Images.)

#1. To Provide Light for Safety

Light scares bad guys that have plans to attack you in dark alleys. Simply brightening up the place, so you have a good look of who's lurking about, can be enough to detour an attacker.

#2. A Self-Defense Tool

And if it doesn't, a solid flashlight that has a nice fit in your hand can be used as a weapon to strike the bad guy with. Of course, that's only if after shinning the light in his eyes, temporarily blinding him, and trying to run away, fail.

Okay, now are we ready to learn some highly probable, practical tactical uses for a flashlight? Say that twenty times fast. :)

#3. Applying Makeup

Ladies, if you are armed with a flashlight then trying to freshen up in those dimly lit restroom vanities won't be any problem. Let's say, the eye make-up needs a bit of a touch up. Simply aim the flashlight indirectly at said eye. Oh, wait-- need both hands for the touch up-- no problem if you have a hair band secured to your light. With a combo like that there are numerous ways to prop the light or secure it to see better.

#4. Reading

Picture this: it's a dark night out and your man, whom would rather have a root canal than stop to ask for directions, is driving. You are the lucky one that gets to play co-pilot. Instead of turning the interior truck light on to check the addy or the map just click on the little flashlight. One, it makes it easier for the person who is driving to see. And two, it offers a bit of indiscretion while trying to find your way in an unknown place.

#5. Finding Jewelry, Fishing Lures, or Other Shinning Items

Even during the day a flashlight can be of value in searching for a lost earring. I know this first hand from hiking in the woods and as I swept my curly hair up into a ponytail, it was wrapped around my earring and pulled it out. Without a light, trying to find an earring in the woods is equivalent to the needle in the haystack. Lucky for me I was able to see the reflective shimmer and found my earring.

#6. Entertaining Kids


As any parent can tell you, there will be occasions when you will wish you had a magic wand to appease your child. If you have a flashlight, then you indeed can preform a magical child amusement trick. Give the flashlight to a child and abracadabra-- they become appeased.

Hopefully these tactics will, at the very least, remind everyone to keep a flashlight stashed in their truck, if not on their person.

In other news, I've been busy tying flys.  This one is a Royal Coachman:

I will be posting some better fly tying pics soon.  :)
In foot news, I seen a new doc today and he has a plan:  Four weeks of physical therapy for twice a week and a boot.  The foot without the boot has a thingy called an Even-up on it.  It's to make walking easier by evening up (who woulda guessed) both feet.

Sophie better stay away from all those Velcro straps or next week I may be posting about my new foofoo dog boot.  Hehehe  ;)


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