Monday, December 3, 2012

Home Tours & Museum

The town of Pendleton is fortunate to have an abundance of beautiful historic houses.  This past weekend some of the residents decided to grace the public by offering tours of their homes.   
Elegant antique paintings and beautiful stained glass windows were some of the highlights.
The kids thought the attic in this house was primo!

My favorite part of the historic houses was the elaborate woodwork.

Pretty living spaces are inspirational to me.  All this stained glass has me recalling those church window candies Grandma used to make.
Some of the homes had a more trendy decor.  Gladys particularly liked her friend Maggie's bedroom.
All the homes were very festive.  Looking at all the Christmas decorations set everyone in a very cheery mood.
Besides the different styles of decor, the featured homes were also from various eras ranging from the mid to late 1800's to a 1950's home pictured below.  The cool thing about this home is it had several, still operational, motorized features like this mechanical kitchen window and awning.

The Historical Museum was also part of the day's activities.  Below, is the World's first motorized bike!  My kiddies were getting wore out.  Can ya tell by those faces?

This torture contraption I found comically interesting.  It's an electric hair curler.  Oh girls-- we have it so easy these days!  Lol.

These vivid dishes are so pretty:

Well, I hope ya'all had some fun this weekend as well.  That's all I got, goodbye for now, till next time.   :) 

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